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3 Questions to Define a Great Dissertation TopicThe choice of topic for your dissertation is, undoubtedly, the most important stage of your work on this project. Make a mistake here, and no amount of dedication, hard work and time spent on it will help you complete it - either within a reasonable amount of time or at all. The main problem is that sometimes the mistake may not be immediately obvious and you spend months if not more trying to work something out before finally giving up. That is why before you accept any topic you should ask yourself 3 important questions. Don't hurry, take your time investigating, and you will save yourself a lot of grief, time and energy later on.
- Is My Topic Narrow Enough?
A dissertation is usually a very in-depth study of a very narrow field. By broadening the subject matter, however, you don't exempt yourself from the need to study everything in great detail, which means that if you make the topic too general it may give too many variables to study, find sources of information about and analyze. The amount of time necessary to deal with them will grow exponentially with every new variable, and there is a limit after which you cannot realistically complete the study within your lifetime. On the other hand, selecting a topic that is too narrow can give you too little sources to work with: you will either not find enough information for your research at all, or the research itself will turn out to be shallow and insubstantial.
Try to maintain balance and figure out how many sources you will have to deal with beforehand - and work from here.
- Will I Be Able to Find Subjects for My Work?
Almost any dissertation requires you to reach out to people who will serve as subjects and sources of information. Quite often, they are your primary source of data, and you should decide how many you are going to need and where to find them long before you start actually writing anything. There are numerous solutions for this problem: you may try recruiting people at your current workplace, use some connections with an organization that may provide pertinent information.
- Do My Subjects Have Any Reason to Participate in My Research?
When all is said and done, people operate from the position of self-interest. Which means that you should ask yourself: what is their interest to participate in your research? Can you provide a reason for them to help you, and if yes, is this reason strong enough to attract the necessary amount of participants? Think about the ways to reach out to potential subjects beforehand and evaluate if you will be able to influence their decision with what you can offer. Think about ways to find and reach out to groups that will be willing to participate because they believe it is important or because it can make a difference for them.
You should choose your dissertation topic very carefully - if you choose wrong, you will spend time working on the wrong project, and it may be difficult to start over half a way through. Do all the preliminary work, and everything will turn out alright.
Information from DissertationHelp.Com