| Japanese Jo to Square Meters Conversion CalculatorsMetric Conversion Tables (Japanese Tatami: Jo Tatami Mats to Square Meters) |
FACTS: A "jo" is a Japanese unit of area measurement used in real estate. The size of a jo (corresponding to the size of a tatami mat) varies by region in Japan. Recently, tatami seems to be shrinking -- older places have larger 6-jo rooms than newer ones.
This conversion table calculator is calibrated using a tatami mat size of 85.5cm wide and 179cm in length (about 33.5 by 70.5 inches).
The standard room size is 6-jo, and 4.5-jo for smaller ones. Newer places with hardwood floors come in a wider range of sizes, with 14-jo being a good-sized living/dining room.
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Feel free to copy these metric conversion numbers but please include the following: <a href="http://www.teaching-english-in-japan.net/conversion/">Convert measurements</a>