Teaching English in JapanResource Directory |
ELT Events Calendar for Mie shows conferences, seminars and workshops for teachers of English in Mie. http://www eltcalendar com/events/kansai/mie/ (added 2002-04-02)
Japan Information Network's page for Mie Prefecture contains links to all of the offical city homepages in English in Mie. These cities are highlighted on this page's map of Mie, so you can get an overview of where different places are. An inset map of Japan gives an idea of Mie's location. The pull-down menu cross-references you to other prefectures in the Kansai Region. http://www jinjapan org/region/pref/mie html (added 2002-02-26)
Mie University website. http://www mie-u ac jp (added 2003-07-07)