Formed in 1992, the The Association of Canadian Teachers in Japan provides support for Canadian educators in Japan. It also promotes Canadian culture. http://www actj org (added 2005-10-13)
To find events by a particular organization, search for its acronym (for example, JALT, ETG). Add city or prefecture names to narrow your search. http://www eltcalendar com (added 2002-03-04)
English Teachers in Japan is a free organization for language teachers. ETJ's publication has a practical orientation, and targets all segments of TEFL, while ETJ's regional groups hold workshops focusing on teachers of young learners. http://www eltnews com/ETJ/ (added 2002-03-04)
International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language. Publications, conferences and events, reduced rates to very good journals. http://www iatefl org/ (added 2002-02-28)
JACET is the Japan Association of College English Teachers. Regional chapters, publications and an annual conference. In publications, the journals are primarily in English, while most newsletters are written mostly in Japanese. http://www jacet org/ (added 2002-02-28)
Japan Association for English Corpus Studies. Holds conferences, publications. http://muse doshisha ac jp/JAECS/index html (added 2002-04-15)
JALT, an official NPO (non-profit organization), was founded in 1976. JALT publishes a monthly magazine and a biannual journal. Local chapters throughout Japan hold workshops and seminars for teachers. JALT holds an annual national conference, and many of JALT's special interest groups (SIGs) hold smaller conferences. http://jalt org (added 2002-02-26)
JBEA is the Japan Business English Association. Founded in 1934, JBEA has 3 regional chapters, annual conference, publications. http://webclub kcom ne jp/mb/jbea-2/ (added 2002-03-13)
Korea Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages. Choose 'chapters' from the left-hand menu for regular events in different KoTESOL chapters. KoTESOL holds an annual conference. http://www kotesol org/ (added 2002-02-28)
Little America Teaching English Methods http://www littleamerica co jp/LATEM/ (added 2007-02-06)
Women Educators and Language Learners (WELL) is a professional organization open to any woman teaching or studying any language anywhere in Japan or abroad. http://www miyazaki-mic ac jp/faculty/KISBELL/well/well html (added 2002-03-05)
University Teachers: Uncertain times at work? Isolated? Don 't know where to turn? We 're stronger if we stand together. University Teachers Union (National Union of General Workers Tokyo Nambu). (added 2008-04-13)