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The Joint PhD in Educational Studies is offered by Brock University, Lakehead University, the University of Western Ontario, and the University of Windsor. The three fields of study are Educational Leadership and Policy Studies, Social/Cultural/Political Contexts of Education, and Cognition and Learning http://www jointphdined org/ (added 2006-02-05)
Centre for English Language Studies at the University of Birmingham. The Modular PhD in Applied Linguistics is mixed distance mode and residential mode, with a period of residence in Birmingham totalling 24 weeks over the 3-6 years, to be split in intervals and length of stay as the supervisor and students wish. http://www cels bham ac uk/prospectus/ModPhD htm (added 2002-02-19)
Vocabulary Acquisition Research Group, Distance Learning PhD Programme. Mainly distance mode, with some residential requirements. Research focus is vocabulary acquisition in a second language. http://www swan ac uk/cals/calsres/PhD/PhDprog htm (added 2002-02-19)