Teaching English in JapanResource Directory |
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Found 6 links matching you search criteria - few . | |  | Japan's university system has for over a century limited full-time foreign faculty to one- to three-year contracts, while Japanese full-timers got uncontracted, permanent tenure from day one of employment. Although the system has now changed to allow full-time Japanese faculty to go on contracts, very few have, so non-Japanese should be advised of the pitfalls of the system before starting a university job here. http://www.debito.org/activistspage.html#ninkisei (listed 2002-03-19) [More like this] |  | Contains 550+ words. The author, a Scott, reflects on differences in word usages encountered during a stay in the USA. What this site may lack in quantity it makes up for in quality; one of the few dictionaries one would enjoy reading from A to "zed". http://english2american.com/index.html#index (listed 2004-05-14) [More like this] |  | Article. "By viewing English as a tool for international intelligibility, we establish a new perspective on pronunciation goals, with priorities that are both fewer in number and more realistic than those previously set. For monolingual groups the learner’s first language is a vital tool in achieving these new goals, and the bilingual non-native speaker teacher is an ideal instructor." (Originally published in English Teaching Professional, Issue 21, October 2001.) http://www3.telus.net/linguisticsissues/internationalintelligibility.html (listed 2002-03-04) [More like this] |  | FEW is a networking organisation whose aim is to help foreign women in Japan achieve their full professional and/or personal potential. FEW welcomes women from all professional backgrounds and at all stages of their careers, we focus on networking, information exchange, and educational and social activities. |  | Quote from review: "[T]his is largely a rave review, with a few rants along the way. First I will discuss some of the main features of MC, then describe three rather different projects I used it for, indicate where I found it indispensable, and where I found it less useful and why, with suggestions for revision of the user interface. At the end I append some Web links in the References." Review Author: John Lawler. Published: LINGUIST List 11.1411, June 25, 2000. http://linguistlist.org/issues/11/11-1411.html (listed 2002-02-25) [More like this] |  | 36 public domain optical illusion pictures. Some of them would make nice activity prompts in language classes. In fact, some already have -- at least one has appeared in a few resource books, the old woman or young woman? picture, which shows an old woman looking to the left with her chin to her chest... or is she a young girl looking away from you over her right shoulder? |
