Teaching English in JapanResource Directory |
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Found 12 links matching you search criteria - jalt . | |  | Calendar of upcoming events, plus phonebook and a JALT FAQ. Japanese version available. |  | Case study report of the Korst labor dispute, covering the background, union action and legal action. Appeared in the journal of the Professionalism, Administration and Leadership in Education JALT SIG. |  | Archives of a journal by the Japan Association of Language Teaching, with backlog of legal precedents and specific cases about employment and academia in Japan. |  | International Conference Calendar of JALT's monthly publication, The Language Teacher. http://www.jalt-publications.org/tlt/confcal/ (listed 2003-10-26) [More like this] |  | The Osaka Chapter of the Japan Association for Language Teaching, a non-profit organization. |  | Articles on publishing your materials. These articles appeared in the newsletter of the Materials Writers Special Interest Group of JALT. http://www.jalt.org/mwsig/publishing/publishing.html (listed 2002-03-05) [More like this] |  | The Gender Awareness in Language Education (GALE) Special Interest Group of JALT. Articles, events, notices, links. |  | Fukuoka Chapter of the Japan Association for Language Teaching. |  | The Computer Assisted Language Learning Special Interest Group of JALT (Japan Association for Language Teaching). The JALT CALL SIG has an annual conference (usually in May) and publications. |  | JALT, an official NPO (non-profit organization), was founded in 1976. JALT publishes a monthly magazine and a biannual journal. Local chapters throughout Japan hold workshops and seminars for teachers. JALT holds an annual national conference, and many of JALT's special interest groups (SIGs) hold smaller conferences. |  | To find events by a particular organization, search for its acronym (for example, JALT, ETG). Add city or prefecture names to narrow your search. |  | Regional homepage of the Kyushu chapters of JALT, the Japan Association for Language Teaching. (Chapters: Fukuoka, Kagoshima, Kitakyushu, Kumamoto, Miyazaki, Nagasaki) |
