Teaching English in JapanResource Directory |
| Search Results
Found 9 links matching you search criteria - sig . | |  | The bare minimum information necessary to make an informed decision about a Japanese university employment position. (In a nutshell, don't ever sign a contract. Find out why here.) |  | A comprehensive guide to Japan and Japanese culture. Sightseeing info, profiles of famous Japanese, entertainment news, photos, language, food and more. |  | A guide to sightseeing in Japan, divided into the major cities and regions. |  | Case study report of the Korst labor dispute, covering the background, union action and legal action. Appeared in the journal of the Professionalism, Administration and Leadership in Education JALT SIG. |  | The Gender Awareness in Language Education (GALE) Special Interest Group of JALT. Articles, events, notices, links. |  | The Computer Assisted Language Learning Special Interest Group of JALT (Japan Association for Language Teaching). The JALT CALL SIG has an annual conference (usually in May) and publications. |  | The Kyoto Shinbun Newspaper's guide to Kyoto. Cultural events, culture notes, photographs, seasonal flowers. |  | International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language Computer Special Interest Group. http://www.paddocks64.freeserve.co.uk/CompSIG2/callsig.htm (listed 2002-03-06) [More like this] |  | A guide to sightseeing in Japan, divided into the major cities and regions. |
