| Adding a new link to: Teacher Resources » Student Projects » Process (How to Do Projects) If this is not the most relevant category, please either find the most relevant one first, or include a suggested category in your description. (Any messages you include in your description will be edited out before being listed in the directory.)
This directory only accepts sites of relevance to language teaching, language teachers and those who are or want to be living and working abroad. Your submission will be either accepted or rejected by this site's administrators. Here are more details: - Link to content. Wherever possible, link to content, and not splash screen or welcome pages. When we click the link from the directory, we should find the content immediately.
- Multiple links to same site. You may submit several links to the same site if the site has distinct areas that fit into different categories of the directory.
- General pages. Try to avoid submitting pages that cover too many different categories. If the most accurate description is something like "Activities for students, book reviews and articles", then try instead to link each of your areas separately in the most relevant categories. (See "multiple links", above.) This assures that directory users will find your relevant content.
- On-line articles. To help teachers doing research, submit links directly to your on-line articles. In the description, include the abstract (or a summary if the abstract is too long) and the citation (such as where it was published and the date of publication).
- Presentation abstracts. Do not submit presentation abstracts unless the link leads to content from the presentation.
- PDF files. If your submission is a PDF file, please write this at the start of the description: (PDF file)
- Non-English pages. If the page you're submitting is not in English, please indicate that at the start of the description by using one of these phrases:
(No English version) (Not in English) Currently we're trying to avoid using the phrase "In Japanese", since users searching for the term "Japanese" are generally not looking to find articles written in Japanese. - Good Faith agreement. Your submission is based on a good faith agreement between you and Teaching-English-In-Japan.net that you believe your submission is of value to teachers in Japan, you believe your description is an accurate and fair description, and to the best of your ability and knowledge, the destination page will not cease to exist, will not change in content substantially, and will remain true to the description you have provided. Teaching-English-in-Japan.net will evaluate the submission fairly. This good faith agreement implies no financial or legal obligations whatsoever, and excludes all liabilities on the part of Teaching-English-In-Japan.net.
- Editing. Your submission description may be edited at our discretion.
- Rejection. Rejection can be for a number of reasons. Rejection is not to be construed as a negative assessment of your resource. Reasons for rejection include but are not limited to:
- Insufficient content to merit a link.
- The link is too general. (see General pages, above)
- It's irrelevant to language teaching or living in Japan / Asia / abroad.
- Broken link.
- The description did not match the contents (see Link to content, above).
- Spam.
- Membership fees are required to access the material.
Aim for brevity yet be concise. Include relevant keywords to be found via this site's search function.
The ranking of the search results on this site does not depend on how often you repeat the same search term. Search result rankings are based on the number of search terms that match. So if someone searches for "kid child game activity", the listings that contain "games for children" would be listed higher than those saying "resources for kids". Use descriptive keywords, and if in doubt, put something at the end of your description saying, for example, (Keywords: doh, oops, yikes)
Name and e-mail are required only to confirm your submission and to notify you of acceptance or rejection. Your name and e-mail are not shown in the directory, and your personal details are not shared without a court order.