Teaching English in JapanResource Directory |
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This directory only accepts sites of relevance to language teaching, language teachers and those who are or want to be living and working in Japan. Your submission will be either accepted or rejected by this site's administrators. If this is your first submission, click here to show the full guidelines on this page.
Aim for brevity yet be concise. Include relevant keywords to be found via this site's search function.
The ranking of the search results on this site does not depend on how often you repeat the same search term. Search result rankings are based on the number of search terms that match. So if someone searches for "kid child game activity", the listings that contain "games for children" would be listed higher than those saying "resources for kids". Use descriptive keywords, and if in doubt, put something at the end of your description saying, for example, (Keywords: doh, oops, yikes)
Name and e-mail are required only to confirm your submission and to notify you of acceptance or rejection. Your name and e-mail are not shown in the directory, and your personal details are not shared without a court order.